RACA Journal November 2023 | Page 25

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By Eamonn Ryan
Chillers are engineering masterpieces , not just plug-and-play .

Chillers require serious engineering skill and in their own way , can be works of art that engineers love to install and take pride in , as opposed to plug-and-play VRF ( Variable Refrigerant Flow ) HVAC systems .

The traditional chiller is a large-scale cooling system that uses chilled water to cool the air in a building . While VRF systems have taken a lot of market share from traditional chillers since 2000 due to their energy efficiency and flexibility , there will always be a market for chillers . They are typically used in large commercial buildings such as hospitals , universities and office buildings . Chillers are still the preferred choice in large-scale applications , being known for their high cooling capacity and energy efficiency . Additionally , chillers have a longer lifespan than VRF systems and require less maintenance .
In terms of air-conditioning projects , chilled water plants are a marvel to behold , with impressive control panels and infrastructure . Engineers take pride in designing and implementing chilled water systems , as it is a reflection of their expertise . On the other hand , VRF systems may not be as visually impressive , but they are functional . There will always be debates and preferences between the two technologies , and both have their merits .
LG , in a discussion on its White Paper titled Chiller vs VRF , the company says : “ When it comes to chillers , because the capacity that can be covered by a single unit is larger than a VRF , chillers are more advantageous for larger facilities . Additionally , chillers are better for high-rise buildings because there is less of a restriction on the length of piping than there is with VRF systems .”
Pricing in this market is determined by various factors , such as equipment quality , service backup and longevity . However , it also depends on the technology and models each manufacturer selects to remain competitive in the market . Ultimately , customers make their purchasing decisions based on the relationships they have built and the value they perceive in the product and service backup .
© Benjamin Brits | RACA Journal © RACA Journal
VRF systems are modular , incorporate sophisticated controls , easily integrate building management systems and offer easier individual billing .
Chillers are more efficient at high-capacity loads such as what is required at a hospital with 24-hour operation .
“ As professionals in the field , it is our responsibility to educate customers and explain the significance of regular servicing .”
Continued on page 25

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I November 2023 23