RACA Journal May 2023 | Page 38

All photos by BBE Projects



By Eamonn Ryan
A specialist in the design , engineering and construction of mine ventilation , refrigeration and cooling systems , BBE Projects is currently executing a turnkey project to design and construct a refrigeration plant and fan station at Northam Platinum ’ s Zondereinde No . 3 Shaft Project near Thabazimbi in Limpopo .


The project owner is platinum group metals miner Northam

Platinum – implementing a major expansion drive that will see the construction of three new shafts on a block of ground on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex . Mine tunnels can extend some kilometres , and the two sections of the mine are separated by up to five kilometres . Conveying cooling from a refrigeration plant to the far mine workings over such distances becomes extremely inefficient from the perspective of aircooling losses .
RACA Journal I May 2023
The expansion project has already seen the completion of the No . 3 Shaft barrel development at a depth of 1 380m , which will be equipped for personnel and materials handling , while another two shafts , still under construction , will handle ore and ventilation for the mine . The expansion is predicted to extend the mine ’ s lifespan by an additional 30 years .
Andrew Branch , director at BBE Projects , says the company was appointed to design and build the large surface refrigeration plant to chill service water and provide air cooling for the
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za