RACA Journal May 2023 | Page 24

Events and Exhibitions
action by the RACHP sector . “ So while the HFC phase down is important , a topic under discussion is , could the global RACHP sector commit to a gradual phase out ? And how fast ?” questioned Kochova .
She described the Kigali Amendment : “ It ’ s an amendment to the Montreal Protocol , dealing specifically with the HFC phase down and helping countries to come up with strategies , policies , legislation , training , appropriate technology standards , to reach reduction of phase down . It ’ s not a full phase out like the HCFCs but a gradual phase down . This was agreed in 2016 , and entered into force in 2019 . South Africa is a signatory of the Kigali Amendment on August 1 , 2019 .
“ The main objective is to avoid an increase of HFC consumption during the work being done in HCFC phase out . This will be happening in parallel to avoid potential overlaps , though they ’ re different refrigerants : one is with OTP potential and one without OTP potentials but with high GWP .
“ No countries are exempt – developed and developing alike – though each has to ratify their phase downs targeting production and consumption of the 18 Pure HFCs control and blend contained according to a specific schedule , noted Kochova .
Consumption means imports minus exports – because in South Africa ’ s case there is no local production . There will be baselines to be calculated for both HFCs and HCFCs . Group 1 Annexure F has two groups : one with 18 HFCs , and a second being byproducts of R22 HFC 23 , which has a high GWP of 14 800 . Countries are divided into different groups with South Africa being part of the Group 1 parties – a grouping which has a year ’ s freeze in 2024 .
She explained that South Africa has to establish an HFC baseline based on the average consumption over the years 2020 , 2021 and 2022 . For the past two years , the consumption of all agencies that import into the country will be aggregated to get this baseline calculation , and added on will be 65 % of the already established HCFC baseline consumption from the years 2009 and 2010 .
“ This freeze in consumption will come into play next year . This is why it ' s important for countries to be ready and to have mandatory licensing monitoring systems , as well as reporting , which goes to the respective international secretariats for country programmes under the MLF .
“ Following the 2024 freeze year , five years later in 2029 , there is the first reduction of 10 %. This is something that South Africa will have to start planning towards now . Next comes the 30 % reduction by 2035 , 50 % by 2040 and 80 % by 2045 . Thereafter , all countries are expected to consume no more than


RACA Journal I May 2023 www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za