RACA Journal May 2022 | Page 29

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Events and Exhibitions
GLACIER DOOR SYSTEMS Glacier was founded in 1994 as a manufacturer of specialised glass doors for refrigerated applications . The business has expanded over time into a complete solution for the supermarket industry with a growing footprint in glass toughening and processing .
Today , Glacier is the only glass supplier in the country with a dedicated focus and understanding of the refrigeration industry . Glacier has established a commanding market position providing specialist products supported by technical expertise and a dedicated team experienced in the four main activities , namely : glass processing , insulated doors , shelving , and insulated panels .
INSULATED STRUCTURES Insulated Structures is continually innovating its supermarket refrigeration offering . Our aim is to offer a refrigeration solution that pays for itself in energy saved . We are also well aware of the exorbitant running costs that store owners face when battling ageing refrigeration infrastructure . To this end , we have designed turn-key energy saving solutions that can be rolled out nationwide to counteract this exact situation .
In addition , our insulated panels for cold rooms remain recognised as a market leading product within the industry . We have developed a unique interlocking tongue-and-groove system that provides the perfect thermal barrier between your fresh produce and the inconsistent ambient air outside . Our cold rooms can be tailored for various applications and are custom-built to meet our customers ’ individual specifications .
HUMIDAIR Humidity control specialist , Condair , is launching the Condair MC , a new in-duct evaporative humidifier and cooler . A single unit is capable of supplying up to 360kg / h of humidity and around 245kW of adiabatic cooling to an air handling unit ( AHU ) from less than 0.15kW of electrical energy .
The Condair MC consists of an evaporative module and hydraulic unit , which sits inside the AHU , and a control panel located outside . The evaporative module is a wall of corrugated glass fibre media cassettes , with stainless steel frames , through which the air flows . The hydraulic unit pumps water to the top of the evaporative module to wet the glass fibre media and humidify the air flowing through them .
Pieter Aldred , Managing Director of Humidair ( Condair ’ s SA distributor ), commented , “ We are delighted to be adding the Condair MC to our evaporative humidifier range . With every kilogram of humidity provided by an evaporative humidifier around 0.68kW of adiabatic cooling is also achieved . This sustainable cooling technology presents immense potential to reduce the carbon footprint of our built environment .
“ The new Condair MC incorporates many innovative hygiene , installation and operational features , making it an ideal solution for evaporative cooling or adiabatic humidification .”
The Condair humidification product range is extensive , offering electric , propane gas and high-pressure steam units . The adiabatic range includes evaporative , spray nozzles , and ultrasonic models . Condair also offers a full range of highcapacity condensing and desiccant dehumidifiers .
For the latest industry and association news , events / exhibitions information , articles , etc . Read it all online
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