RACA Journal May 2022 | Page 37

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Events and Exhibitions
TCL TecsaReco is the exclusive distributor of TCL Air Conditioning in South Africa for the internationally recognised brand TCL and distributes a comprehensive range of energy-efficient air-conditioning systems to qualified system installers . As an exclusive distributor TecsaReco is committed to the TCL brand and therefore ensures that the products are supported with suitable accessories and spare parts if required through our network of 26 branches .
TRANSFRIG At Transfrig , our mission is to be the preferred supplier of transport refrigeration equipment in Africa and to become an internationally recognised player in the transport refrigeration equipment industry , by providing quality products and reliable service at competitive prices . We strive to conduct our business with professionalism and integrity for the benefit of our stakeholders .
Since 2002 we have expanded our reach internationally to countries including Hong Kong , China , the Middle East , Libya , Liberia , Australia , and Nigeria .
Our transport refrigeration equipment is specially designed for all conditions , taking full advantage of our in-house engineering design and expertise . We pride ourselves on our flexibility to meet customer demands and in having spares readily available to ensure our clients keep running optimally .
TEKTOWER We strive to design and implement thermal solutions that have a lower environmental impact by targeting a reduction in water use , energy use and carbon emissions .
We achieve this by being highly consultative with all our clients , focusing on technical operation , capacity building , quality manufacturing and implementation .
We are one of the only companies globally to offer a vast range of complimentary product offerings in the thermal solutions space . We therefore provide our customer base with a bespoke , engineered thermal solution that is fit for purpose .
TURKISH HERVAC EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION ( ISIB ) ISIB is the coordinator and exporter association for the Turkish heating , energy , ventilation , air conditioning , and refrigeration ( HERVAC ) sector , that aims to build on growing trade links with the country .
Turkey ’ s HERVAC products , recognised for their quality and durability , are priced competitively and developed in line with global standards .
Visit the FRIGAIR 2022 website for all of the latest updates , information and T & C ’ s . www . frigairexpo . co . za

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I May 2022 35