RACA Journal May 2022 | Page 17

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I May 2022 15
Events and Exhibitions



By Benjamin Brits
The growing list of exhibitors to the continent ’ s only dedicated HERVAC event were invited to share what they will be showcasing at this year ’ s exhibition . Check out what you are in store to experience in person – over and above the excellent educational line-up !

In the four years since the last event a lot has changed – new methods or techniques have been researched , and technology has developed substantially – all in the drive for better energy efficiency and in addressing environmental impacts , thus leading to the show theme : ‘ Natural Refrigerants ’.

Here is a list of currently booked exhibitors and what you can expect to see when visiting the show this year . This list will continually be updated and will be available online , on social media platforms and via direct communications with the industry .
For all exhibitors that are signed up in the future and for all the latest updates , you can also visit the official FRIGAIR website for all visiting and exhibiting information : www . frigairexpo . co . za
AFRICAN PEX PIPE SYSTEMS ( AFRIPEX ) AFRIPEX is excited to showcase the latest technologies in district heating / cooling , as well as our TABS , Pex pipe and thermal storage solutions .
Pre-insulated district pipe networks , to move energy within and between built environments , provide extreme thermal and cost efficiency , enabling reconsideration of current design methodologies .
TABS , water based underfloor and ceiling heating and cooling , and chilled beams are proven to provide greater comfort at lower cost than conventional systems , for both new builds and retrofits .
The Q & E pipe connection system is advertised as “ the world ’ s safest connection technology ”.
Tankworx thermal storage tanks provide economical thermal storage for hot and cold water production systems , from ten to ten thousand + homes .
For unsurpassed benefits of economy , comfort , scale and longevity , you will be sure to find a solution at our stand .
AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION ACADEMY – ACRA The FRIGAIR expo represents an excellent platform for ACRA to showcase the latest training on offer . For the upcoming expo ACRA ’ s focus will be on the latest training courses and updates in line with the rapid changes in technology and legislation experienced by industry with the shift towards natural refrigerants and energy efficient systems . ACRA ’ s latest training updates are inclusive of these changes , including natural refrigerants and the latest methodologies for dealing with flammable refrigerants .
ACRA has the capacity to train all aspects of the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration fields , up to and including Trade Testing . The emphasis is on short adult courses , apprentices / learnerships , artisans and technicians . In order to capacitate the student , the competency-based training includes in-depth theoretical knowledge and the requisite practical skills . ACRA serves clientele both nationally and internationally and carries full accreditation from the DHET , QCTO and NAMB .
We are looking forward to reconnecting with all of our old friends and making new ones at the FRIGAIR Expo .

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I May 2022 15