www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I March 2025 1
RACA Journal : ISSN 1812-772X
Hot and chilled
+ 27 ( 0 ) 82 560 8718
RACA Journal Publication www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za eamonn @ interactmedia . co . za
Welcome to the sweatiest spinning class in South Africa , where we don ’ t just ride bikes – we drown in our own perspiration ! That ’ s right , the AC at Virgin Active Bedfordview ’ s spinning studio has been on vacation for months , and we ’ ve all been sweating it out – literally .
It ’ s like they ’ ve taken the concept of ‘ burning calories ’ a little too far . Sure , I ’ m shedding weight in the form of sweat , which I appreciate , but the fans don ’ t compensate in a packed class . When I sign up for a workout , I expect to sweat , not to slip , slide and skimboard on the puddles of my own body moisture .
Let ’ s talk about the floor , shall we ? It ’ s like an Olympic water sport in there . You start the class with high hopes of an intense workout , and by the second song you ’ re already trying to dodge a mini-cascade of sweat that ' s pooling around your bike . I didn ’ t know I ’ d signed up for the ‘ slip ‘ n slide ’ version of spinning .
At this point , I don ’ t know if I ’ m experiencing a full-body workout or testing the limits of my grip strength as I try to stay upright while simultaneously sliding off my bike . A few times , I ’ ve been convinced that I might start gliding off into another dimension entirely , like some sort of sweat-based teleportation . Seriously , if you need a slip-resistant mat for a workout , it ’ s not because you ’ re too clumsy — it ' s because the room ’ s moisture level is approaching tropical rainforest territory .
The sweat - it ' s not just dripping . It ’ s pouring . I have to wring out
my shirt every five minutes . It ' s like I ’ ve been left in a sauna with a jump rope . You think you ’ re going to escape it by avoiding your face getting drenched ? Nope ! Even your eyebrows are sweating . You wipe your forehead and wham ! a fresh wave of sweat lands directly in your eye . It ’ s like your body is trying to punish you for thinking you could escape the wetness with a quick wipe .
If you ’ re new to the class , don ’ t worry . The smell of sweat will welcome you like a warm hug … only it ’ s the smell of 35 people ( not all of whom have washed today , it seems ) whose sweat has been trapped in this room for months , brewing like a fine wine that ’ s gone terribly wrong . It ’ s a body odour connoisseur ' s dream .
Honestly , I think we should rename the class ‘ Spinning in a Sauna ’. Maybe we can get a discount for the unintentional sauna experience .
But no , instead , we sweat harder , pedal faster and watch in horror as the clock ticks down , each minute stretching longer than the last as sweat pools under us , around us , and in the crevices of every possible workout outfit .
You think you ’ re done with the cardio challenge ? Nope . The real test is trying to exit the studio without slipping in a puddle of your own sweat - the floor is wet , slippery and smells like regret .
So , what ' s the deal with the AC , you ask ? Apparently , the compressor isn ’ t working . And when I say it ’ s " not working ", I mean it ’ s completely out of order . The gym tells us it will take two more weeks to import a new one — probably from China , because why wouldn ’ t they ? It ’ s not like we ’ re asking for a brand new air conditioner . We ’ re just trying to stop our clothes from absorbing the room like a sponge .
I ’ m starting to think the compressor is like that one friend who says they ’ ll be there in five minutes but then sends you a text two hours later , " Sorry , I ’ m just leaving now " – or the new product presentation at an HVAC supplier that starts two hours late – only when the very last guest arrives . At this rate , I could ’ ve gotten a compressor delivered myself and faster if I ordered it from Amazon Prime , and they ’ d probably throw in free shipping and a bottle of water to help us hydrate after we dehydrate in that room .
So , Virgin Active Bedfordview , we get it – you ’ re building strength , but I feel like I ’ m about to develop superhuman abilities simply from avoiding accidental slip-and-slide face plants . I just have one question : can we please fix the AC ? You know , so we don ’ t have to turn the spinning room into a swamp anymore . Don ’ t speak quite so politically correctly to your AC maintenance contractor – kick some ass or get them to do a class !
In the meantime , I ’ m investing in a snorkel and a waterproof workout kit . Here ' s to sweating in style ! RACA
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I March 2025 1