Responsible Refrigeration
By Barney Richardson
Barney Richardson is the director of South African Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association ( SARACCA ) and sits on various other boards within the HVAC industry , including the South African Qualifications and Certifications Committee for Gas ( SAQCC ) Gas .
The future of refrigeration for food preservation in refrigerators and in supermarkets is dependent on how we adopt and adapt to new technologies for refrigerant use .
There is a present trend in South Africa to use Carbon
Dioxide in supermarkets and larger refrigeration systems . However , many refrigerants still have a high global warming potential ( GWP ) and ODP ( ozone depletion potential ).
The HFC and HFO refrigerant blends have been used for a short time as an interim measure in air conditioning and refrigeration while the transition to natural refrigerants takes place . This is a return to the original refrigeration engineering of 150 years ago when natural chemicals like carbon dioxide , ammonia and sulphur dioxide were all that was available . Ammonia has always been with us and carbon dioxide has made a return . It was in the 1930s that CFC refrigerants like R12 were developed and the 1950s when R22 made its appearance . These two refrigerants served us well until the environmental consequences came to light . The ozone problem was discovered in 1970 which led to the Montreal Protocol on CFC and HCFC on ozone depletion . Later , in 1995 global warming reared its ugly head and the search for alternatives began .
GWP is a measure of how much heat of the gas is trapped in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas over a period of time . ODP is a number which refers to the amount of ozone depletion caused by a substance such as refrigerant in the stratosphere .
The large cold storage and processing industry will always choose ammonia as the preferred refrigerant because it has a low boiling point at -33 ° C , has zero GWP and has a zero ODP and high latent heat of vaporisation . Ammonia systems circulate less F-gas refrigerant for the same cooling capacity .
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I March 2023 13