By Ntsako Khosa
The first SAIRAC Technical Talk from the Johannesburg Centre was held at the
Bryanston Sports Club in January.
nisa Mohamed from StingTheory gave a presentation on
software that assists contractors in the HVAC and R sector
to capture job cards efficiently. Called ServCraft, a service and
repair management web tool simplifies the repairs process into
various stages, eliminating the need for manual and time-
consuming work.
The software provides:
• Affordable monthly license fee;
• Reduce telephone expenses;
• No need to print expensive job card books;
• Secure server environment with full back ups;
• Automated SMS and email reminders;
• Full training and support; and
• Advanced Reporting.
Mohamed from
ServCraft has an advanced communications feature that
automates communication between the business and the
customer through the use of SMS and emails. The software is
designed with the core modules as standard and then based
on the business needs, modules can be added when they are
required. Module can be added at any stage after implementation
without interfering with the current implemented functionality.
Mohamed went through each stage of the process, explaining
how contractors can get the most out of it. “The system
allows you to know how many job cards are logged for repairs
or maintenance, furthermore, should a repair be required,
technicians get notifications if a job is assigned to them and the
job needs, like hours to spend on site,” she said.
The software is mobile friendly, with an App that allows
remote access. The information on the software was received well
by the attendees, who showed a lot of interest.
Rampuru Mpuru, technical meeting and speaker programme
co-ordinator ran through the agenda for the evening, introducing
new members and handing out course certificates.
Members that
received their
Course certificates went to:
• Derrick Craig
• Angelique Kearney
• Ndivhuho Maphakela
• Mpolokeng Mokgwamme
• Thokozani Dlamini RACA
RACA Journal I March 2020