www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I June 2023 45
Figure 1 – Tri-generation .
Figure 2 – Co-generation .
HYDROGEN TRI-GENERATION A hydrogen tri-generation plant is capable of generating three components : electricity , heat and hydrogen where natural gas or renewable biogas is converted inside a fuel cell into hydrogen , which then electrochemically reacts with air to generate power and heat . 2 Heat generated during the fuel cell ' s process can be recycled and used for various purposes . Hydrogen produced from the fuel cell plant can be used to fuel zero-emission
passenger vehicles . The system runs on natural gas or directly on renewable biogas to produce clean power . Tri-generation may be eligible for the State of California Low Carbon Fuel Standard and may be considered carbon-negative by the California Air Resources Board ( CARB ). Renewable biogas can be used as the fuel source , generating power and heat for the wastewater treatment process while producing green hydrogen for transportation .
Figure 3 – Hydrogen trigeneration .
2 https :// www . fuelcellenergy . com
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I June 2023 45