RACA Journal July 2024 RACA_July_2024_digital | Page 7

RACA Journal I July 2024 5
lower than forecast a year ago due to slow progress on real-world implementation , the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) said in its latest Renewables report .
“ Hydrogen is no silver bullet , but we need to speed up costefficient , green hydrogen production because there is no doubt that hydrogen will play a crucial part in the green transition ,” states Kulju .
Recovering excess heat from electrolysis is another vital energy efficiency measure . Hydrogen production creates incredible amounts of excess heat . In the EU alone , about 114TWh can be recovered already by 2030 , enough to cover Germany ’ s current domestic heating more than two times .
Kulju adds : “ The potential of recovering excess heat from electrolysis is so enormous that it would be a severe policy mistake not to consider it when planning future energy infrastructure . That ’ s also why it ’ s so critical to set the right regulatory and economic framework for an efficient large-scale rollout of hydrogen .”
Key takeaways :
• By 2050 , hydrogen production will require more than half of today ’ s total electricity demand .
• Green hydrogen should be considered a limited resource and prioritised for sectors that are otherwise hard to decarbonise .
• Hydrogen currently remains concentrated in traditional applications , but a rapid upscaling in hard to abate sectors , like heavy industry and long-distance transport , is necessary .
• Green hydrogen must be produced efficiently by minimising the cost , energy loss and energy demand of its production .
• Conversion of electricity to hydrogen currently creates an energy loss of roughly 30 % but there are technologies available today to reduce this loss . RACA
SOURCE Danfoss
“ Hydrogen is no silver bullet , but we need to speed up cost-efficient , green hydrogen production because there is no doubt that hydrogen will play a crucial part in the green transition .”

RACA Journal I July 2024 5