www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I July 2023 7
Presentation by Robert Fox , edited by Eamonn Ryan
SAIRAC Johannesburg president Robert Fox delivered a presentation at the May Tech Talk on the subject of ‘ Climate change and challenges for the HVACR industry ’.
All photos by © Eamonn Ryan | RACA Journal
SAIRAC Johannesburg president Robert Fox . |
Gregory Grobbelaar , SAIRAC Chairman |
One of the committee members Mpho Motswi . |
In the early 1970s , scientists at NASA made a noteworthy observation of peculiar ozone readings over the Arctic region . Subsequent research led them to publish a study proposing |
It is imperative that we acknowledge the GWP of refrigerants , given that Europe is currently enforcing regulations to reduce
GWP to levels below 150 . Our journey in refrigeration dates back
the existence of an ozone hole , which was met with general scepticism . However , by 1980 , as the ozone hole expanded , it garnered global attention and sparked further investigations . This pivotal turning point gave rise to the Vienna Convention , which aimed to tackle ozone depletion , and culminated in the Montreal Protocol of 1987 .
The Montreal Protocol marked a significant milestone as it galvanised international commitment to reduce the use of chlorofluorocarbon ( CFC ) refrigerants . The ozone hole continued to expand until the year 2000 , exacerbated by shifting weather patterns . Only in 2015 did the expansion cease , with a reduction of 20 %, thanks to concerted efforts . Subsequently , the Kigali Amendment emerged , focusing on the global warming potential ( GWP ), and necessitating the phased elimination of hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs ) and hydrofluorocarbons ( HFCs ). South Africa ratified this amendment in 2019 .
Extensive research has identified temperature hotspots worldwide , particularly in the form of rising temperatures at the polar ice caps and the associated risks of elevated sea levels . Various international conventions have sought to limit global
warming to a maximum temperature rise of 1.5 ° C by 2040 . Alarming reports now indicate a 66 % likelihood of a temperature increase ranging from 1.1 ° C to 1.8 ° C above the average within the next five years .
to the 1830s when natural refrigerants were first employed . Subsequently , in the 1930s , R12 , a synthetic refrigerant known for its affordability and safety , was invented . The period between 1950 and the discovery of ozone depletion witnessed the prevalent use of CFCs , followed by HCFCs , with R22 being the most common variant .
In response to the depletion of the ozone layer , the industry transitioned to HFCs . However , in 2015 , the European Union initiated a phase-down of HFCs , thereby redirecting the market towards natural refrigerants . Examples of such environmentally favourable alternatives include ammonia , CO2 , and hydrocarbons such as R600 and R290 . The Kigali Amendment specifically outlines the phasedown of HFCs .
“ Although hydrocarbon refrigeration technology is already established in other parts of the world , it is not yet commercially available within South Africa .”
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I July 2023 7