RACA Journal July 2023 | Page 52



30 % RH , the most challenging humidity condition for neutralising MS2⁴ .
INTRODUCING PURIFI LABS There are 15 patents filed , nine awarded and six pending
• Exclusive : Wave pattern technology creates significantly more ( - ) ions
• Exclusive : SMART monitor automatically reacts to particulate levels
• Exclusive : Catalyst / Corona tube process converts harmful Ozone to Oxygen
Purifi ’ s Airborne Molecular Purification ( AMP ) technology naturally deactivates tested viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces . It effectively neutralises odours while driving aerosols and particulates out of the breathing zone .
The Purifi generator removes unwanted ozone by means of a proprietary Purifi O₂ Catalyst . The Catalyst captures ozone molecules whilst allowing the ions to pass through . This gives you powerful air purification without the negative effect of ozone . Independent tests have been conducted for ozone by the Underwriters Laboratory ( UL ) which verify that the device actually removes ozone from the environment .
Purifi Labs validates product efficacy by replicating real-world test environments under real-world HVAC mechanical conditions to ensure products are installed and tested the same way they will be used .
The airborne Molecular Purification Technology uses the HVAC system ’ s airflow to blanket every room with natural , high energy , molecular ions attacking the contaminants at the source .
The natural ionisation process enhances the performance of air filters due to the proprietary cold plasma energy core which divides and charges the molecules in the HVAC system airflow . The system generates a high-volume patented blend of natural positive and negative ions and removes impurities and pathogens from the breathing zone which would normally remain in suspension for hours , while simultaneously cleansing walls and surfaces of harmful impurities .
The high energy positive and negative ions attract particles creating a cluster effect of contaminants . The process will oxidise pollutants and agglomerate particles , removing them from the air space .
SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE ? The technology has been verified by the EPA ( Homeland Security Research Division ), under highly rigorous HVAC mechanical
RACA Journal I July 2023
conditions . The tests are conducted in a large biosafety room to simulate a high turbulence indoor environment with a highly concentrated viral load . Billions of nano-sizes viral aerosols were nebulised in sterile deionised water directly downstream of two floor mounted mixing fans to thoroughly mix and disperse the viral aerosol .
The count median diameter of the aerolised particles was 46nm ( 0.046 µ m ) at the beginning of each test ( time = 0 minutes ) and increased over the duration of the test to 100 nm ( 0.1 µ m ) at the end of 120 minutes .
The aerosol samples were collected at 1,5m height from each end of the room while operating at 30 % RH , the most challenging humidity conditions for neutralising MS2⁴ .
RESULTS : 99 % total neutralisation was achieved in 60 minutes with absolutely no ozone or other harmful particulate generation during the process .
SARS-CoV-2 B1.617.2 ( DELTA ) variant : In the case of Delta a 95 % reduction was experienced in 29 minutes , with a progressive reduction of 99.999 % in 59 minutes . SARS-CoV-2 B . 1.1.529 ( OMICRON ) variant : In the case of Omicron a 92 % airborne reduction was experienced in 29 minutes with a progressive reduction of 99.998 % in 59 minutes .
OZONE DETECTION The Underwriters Laboratory tested the air downstream of the Purifi Labs system using a Thermo Electron Corporation Ozone Analyser , transferred through non-reactive ( Teflon ) tubing .
The results from TEC 49i O₃ analyser revealed that the maximum measured Ozone emission concentration was 0.012 ppm during a 48-hour uninterrupted test .
CONCLUSION There are some 14 independent test reports and papers which verify the efficacy levels of Purifi Labs ( AMP ) technology . This technology will most certainly challenge most other devices and technologies because of its efficacy without the potentially harmful effect of ozone and UVC radiation . RACA
1 . Conclusion by David Pariseau , one of the world ’ s leading authorities on air quality analyses and the founder of Lighthouse and co-founder of Particle Plus – USA 2 . Particle Plus , 30 March 2019 www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za