© Eamonn Ryan | RACA Journal
“ Some clients do insist on the correct filter and is willing to pay a bit extra so as not to have any comebacks and knowing it will last them much longer than the cheapest .”
“ Customers typically don ’ t want to either climb into an AHU or employ labour to do so . What typically happens is that someone washes it down , which in labour , water and fan energy is even more expensive over the life of a filter than replacement . Over the years , Camfil has re-engineered filters that last twice as long without compromising efficiency .”
Coetzee explains that filters of mediocre quality and an initial high-pressure drop can exert unnecessary pressure on the fan which in turn causes the fan to work harder and increase energy
consumption . “ Our filters are proven to offer a lower pressure drop there by allowing the pressure to build up gradually and therefore decreasing costs . On average an AHU consumes between 50-70 % of a building ’ s running cost , which could include filters , labour , maintenance or just the general running of the system . Further to these factors , washing a filter could degrade the integrity and efficiency ,” she adds .
Little says , “ We have the software to give any industry a current overview of their expenditure when it comes to AHUs and can offer a cost saving alternative before the customer commits to even buying our product .” Unfortunately , in the South African market , for consultants to win a tender they have to be cheaper than their competitors while trying to adhere to the specifications .
“ Filters of mediocre quality and an initial high-pressure drop can exert unnecessary pressure on the fan which in turn causes the fan to work harder and increase energy consumption .”
RACA Journal I July 2023
CAMFIL REFERENCE PAPERS : ȃ Research led by the University of British Columbia ,
ȃ ȃ published in 2016 Professor Michael Brauer , University of British Columbia Professor Kan Haidong , School of Public Health at Fudan University , Shanghai ȃ Professor Yang Xin , Department of Environmental Affairs , Fudan University , Shanghai
CONCERN AT LACK OF MAINTENANCE Air-Box is the African representative of The Ulpatek brand of Turkey , which Rean Van Wyk , director of Lab Craft , describes as having a considerable focus on research and development ( R & D ) to manufacture filters that are ever more efficient and thus use less energy in the HVAC design .
“ However , our biggest concern within the market is lack of maintenance of filters , even in such a vital place as a hospital . In some there are not even primary filters , and in others they don ’ t change the filters on a regular basis . Even in some pharmaceutical companies the maintenance is terrible , with mold in the ducting because they don ’ t frequently change the filters and clean the AHU ( Air Handling Unit ). We ’ ve seen in one manufacturing plant where the extraction system was placed inside the plant , that all filters were saturated with oil , requiring people to wear masks to breathe through an oily air one could scarcely see through . Less visible was that all the electrical components were breaking down due to the oil and dust throughout the environment . They got to that point after ignoring our advice to replace their filters and have a more rigorous maintenance plan in place ,” says Van Wyk . “ The problem is mostly budget , but also poor knowledge of the maintenance regime required ,” says Carel van Wyk , Lab Craft project manager . “ On the one hand there ’ s the person who wants the cheapest filter knowing it may only last a short while due to the low quality of the filter media , and on the other , one who insists on the correct filter and is willing to pay a bit extra so as not to have any comebacks and knowing it will last them much longer than the cheapest .”
Carel van Wyk adds , “ The lack of knowledge in the filtration industry stems from the fact there ' s no ready way I know of in South Africa to study filtration – you have to do an engineering degree and within the degree a module of which may be on broader HVAC . Filtration is a specialised field and there ' s no advanced filtration course or study material . The only way to gain knowledge is through experience . Many engineers approach us for advice or specifications on the design of the HVAC system within their projects .”
The first step in designing a system , spells out Rean van Wyk , is the URS ( user requirement specification ), covering what the client is working with : ice , antibiotics , vaccines , baby powder , packaged food and whatever chemicals they use .
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za