RACA Journal January 2023 | Page 16

After lunch had wrapped up , it w as time for the main event . Johannesburg centre chairman Gregory Grobbelaar opened with a message of thanks to all the fellows , most of whom have had an integral part in the setting of standards and dissemination of knowledge within the HERVAC industry .
“ Their efforts have directly contributed to the growth and stability of the SAIRAC institution ,” Grobbelaar commented . As a token of appreciation , each fellow was called up to receive a gift from Grobbelaar and immediate past president of SAIRAC , Jaco Pieterse .
SAIRAC would like to thank everybody that attended the annual fellows lunch .
“ Your continued support is greatly appreciated , and instrumental to the sustainability and continuous growth of our institution . We look forward to hosting new and old faces at our Dreosti Memorial Lecture which will be held in June 2023 ,” Grobbelaar concluded . RACA
Their efforts have directly contributed to the growth and stability of the SAIRAC institution .”
Open letter : Thank you SAIRAC RE : Fellows lunch : 21 October 2022
At the risk of appearing presumptuous , I would like to thank the Johannesburg committee for the luncheon they provided recently in honor of the Fellows of the Institute .
It is gratifying to know that our past efforts and involvement in the Institute are appreciated and acknowledged in this way annually .
The luncheon furthermore provides the ideal opportunity to “ meet and greet ” in a relaxed atmosphere and to renew old acquaintances .
In my humble opinion , I don ’ t think there is another Institute that shows their appreciation more often than SAIRAC for past services rendered . Kindly accept our grateful thanks .
Patrick Burke FSAIRAC


RACA Journal I January 2023