RACA Journal February 2023 | Page 47

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I February 2023 45


By the Temporary Employment Services Division ( TESD )
Thousands attended and celebrated the 2022 national ceremony for Women ’ s Day which is a day to push awareness for the rights of women , and a call to action against abuse , violence and harassment of South Africa ’ s women .

But what about the other 364 days of the year ? It ’ s important for business owners to take serious stock of whether they are backing or breaking down the progress of South African women in the workforce .

For female employees to thrive , the working environment and culture needs to be safe . Recent studies of 1000 workers conducted by Columinate Research Agency revealed that only 30 % of women and 18 % of men report being victims of unwanted sexual advances . And what ’ s more , a shocking 51 % of workplaces do not have a clear sexual harassment policy in place .
The Temporary Employment Services Division ( TESD ) recently held their latest webinar to lead the support for modern work environments that safeguard the wellbeing of employees physically , mentally and emotionally . The TESD ’ s timely webinar presented current understanding of harassment prevention and procedures for workers and management to follow . The emphasis was placed on easily accessible channels to report misconduct and a company culture of zero tolerance towards any form of harassment .
Every business should devote their resources to ensuring compliance with latest legislation involving harassment . Turning a blind eye to these could result in not just legal ramifications , but potential criminal liabilities too . Staying alert to behaviour in the workplace which falls under harassment is crucial . This includes paying attention to online behaviour of staff on all levels . The TESD provides a free , downloadable harassment risk assessment guide to help employers and employees evaluate their specific circumstances . This is available on their website : www . tesd . org . za
Knowledge must be followed by action ! Employers are responsible for setting the tone . Keeping your own actions in check is only the start . Mistreatment of female employees should be unwelcomed in all facets of the business and solid harassment procedures need to be accessible for the modern workforce . Whether temporary or permanent , every worker should know who to approach and what to do if they experience or witness
harassment in the workplace . Furthermore , only management levels can provide the environment which makes an employee feel comfortable with bringing these issues to their immediate attention with full confidence of complete confidentiality .
ABOUT THE TESD The TESD provides temporary employment service providers with a stakeholder forum to regulate this specialised industry to serve the needs of their clients and to protect the rights of their candidates in a legally compliant environment .
Since 1994 , the TESD has and continues to ensure the credibility and compliance of its members who provide their services to a variety of employees and employers centred in the construction industry . The TESD also supports members operating in secondary industries namely agriculture , raw materials , manufacturing , construction , and the service industry . The TESD recognized the need for a platform where temporary employment service providers are given a voice and become part of a credible representative body in the eyes of stakeholders such as employees , clients , contractors , bargaining councils and trade unions .
The TESD strives to improve the image of temporary employment services and uphold the labour ethics and laws , thereby increasing member credibility and compliance . RACA
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From management level the environment is provided which makes an employee feel comfortable .

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I February 2023 45