NB : Any mechanical engineering work not listed in Table 2 or in this code of practice should also comply with the category of registration and level descriptors .
Specified category Mechanical engineering work may include aspects of work in the specified categories , such as those related to fire protection systems , lifting machinery and medical equipment . Any mechanical engineering practitioner who wishes to perform in such specified category should comply with Table 3 below :
Specified Category
Fire Protection Systems design
Lifting Machinery Inspectors
Medical Equipment Maintainer
Reference Number R-05-FPSRD-SC
Table 3 : Specified category performed by Mechanical Engineering Practitioners
Overlaps Apart from Table 3 , mechanical engineering has emerging specialties , such as pressure vessels and welding engineering . All mechanical engineering practitioners who wish to perform such should comply with the respective industry and standard practices .
Moreover , in this code , the mechanical engineering practitioner shall work with other engineering disciplines as per the overarching code of practice for performance of engineering work as amended to ensure that confusion is minimised regarding which engineering discipline should perform certain tasks .
Professional certificated engineers Mechanical engineering practitioners who wish to register and operate and / or practise as professional certificated engineers shall obtain the government certificate of competency as mechanical engineers , as recognised by the Act .
In addition , mechanical engineering practitioners shall comply with respective legal requirements and the requirements of this code of practice when performing mechanical engineering work .
ENGINEERING COMPETENCY Please refer to the overarching code of practice for “ general requirements ” and “ requirements for registered persons ”, and to the gazetted identification of engineering work for “ core competencies required to perform identified engineering work ”.
Any person who performs any mechanical engineering work must comply with the Act , as well as any other requirement contemplated in the Act , and –
• be registered with ECSA in the appropriate professional registration category applicable to the level of service performed .
• possess the necessary core competency in the competency areas to perform such core service as a professional engineer , professional engineering technologist , professional certificated engineer , professional engineering technician or a specified category practitioner .
• in case of performing mechanical engineering work in the specified categories such as those related to fire protection systems , lifting machinery and medical equipment , mechanical engineering registered persons must comply with the relevant competency requirements imposed by ECSA .
A mechanical engineering registered person ’ s level of experience should also meet or exceed the requirements of the risk competency model in addition to their category of registration with reference to the complexity of the work . In the model , risk may include ( where appropriate ) risk to the health and safety of people and society , the natural and built environment , property , financial interests and related project timescales .
PRACTICE REQUIREMENTS All mechanical engineering work shall be carried out or services rendered :
• in accordance with the requirements of the applicable acts and regulations
• in an ethical and responsible manner in accordance with the Code of Conduct
• in accordance with accepted norms and standards in the industry .
Registered persons must further always ensure compliance with the appropriate acts and associated regulations . Notable national acts that may be applicable to mechanical engineering work include :
• Engineering Profession Act , as amended
• Occupational Health and Safety Act , as amended
• Mine Health and Safety Act , as amended
• National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act , as amended
• National Environment Management Act , as amended . All mechanical engineering work must be carried out in accordance with the norms of the profession , and these norms are generally represented by the mechanical engineering relevant national and international standards , industry standards , codes of practice and best practice guidelines .
Standards and codes shall be applied as and when required by government regulation , customer or end-user requirements and as an accepted industry norm . It is the duty of the engineering registered person to ensure that all standards and codes used abide by the applicable acts and regulations ( considering that more than one country ’ s legal frameworks may be relevant ). RACA
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