Associations work within the jurisdiction of the Act . This code sets appropriate levels of competence , regulating the execution of mechanical engineering work and specifying technical standards and best practice . This code also applies when a mechanical engineering practitioner performs mechanical engineering work in the specified categories , such as those related to fire protection systems , lifting machinery and medical equipment . Additional codes of practice , specific to the specified category , may also apply in these contexts .
APPLICABLE LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK Section 27 of the Act empowers the Council to draw up codes of practice in addition to codes of conduct and requires all registered persons to comply with such codes . This code should be read in conjunction with the Act and related documents , in particular the code of conduct for registered persons , the overarching code of practice and the gazetted identification of engineering work .
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WORK Mechanical engineering is an engineering branch that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science to design , analyse , manufacture , install , test and maintain mechanical systems and the mechanical elements of multidisciplinary systems .
Mechanical engineering work requires an understanding of core areas that typically include solid body statics and dynamics , materials science , solid mechanics , thermodynamics , fluid dynamics , thermal energy transfer , design methodologies and electrics .
In addition , mechanical engineers use tools such as computer-aided design ( CAD ), computer-aided manufacturing ( CAM ), finite element analysis ( FEA ), computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ), and product lifecycle management . These are applied to manufacturing and production plants , process plants , consumer products , industrial equipment and machinery , heating and cooling systems , transport systems , medical devices , military
systems , fire protection and others .
Engineering qualifications and supervision of work It is highly recommended that all mechanical engineering work be undertaken by a registered mechanical engineering practitioner . In cases where work is to be performed by an unregistered mechanical engineering practitioner , it is recommended that the following work allocation be under the supervision of a registered mechanical engineering practitioner :
Qualification Level of Descriptors Supervision BEng / BSc Eng / MEng
BTech / BEng Tech Eng / Advanced Diploma
National Diploma
Solving complex engineering problems and performing complex engineering activities
Solving broadly defined engineering problems and performing broadly defined engineering activities
Solving well-defined engineering problems and performing well – defined engineering activities
Pr . Eng
Pr . Eng Pr . Tech Eng
Pr . Eng , Pr . Tech Eng Pr . Techni Eng
Table 1 : Engineering qualifications and supervision of work
Table 2 represents mechanical engineering work , category of registration and level of descriptors for engineering activities or problems .
As per R-02-STA-PE / PT / PN and R-02-STA-PCE , the level of descriptors in this Code pertains to the :
• level of an engineering problem
• level of an engineering activity Moreover , each category of registration has three level descriptors for engineering activities and problems to consider : complex engineering activities / problems , broadly defined engineering problems and well-defined engineering problems .
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