www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I August 2023 13
Cooke highlighted two recent milestones ( both profiled in the Cold Link Africa May issue ). SAQCC Gas just celebrated its 15 th anniversary and also recently during Covid moved into the digital environment . Previously , says Cooke , all practitioner identity documents were physical cards with CoCs paper-based in a triplicate form . “ This is now done totally electronically via apps on a practitioner ’ s phone or tablet to issue the CoC . This was introduced mainly to reduce fraud – people duplicating CoCs , or they were not registered to issue one . Another reason was to go paperless .
“ In addition , the website has a list of all practitioners making it easier for consumers to find a practitioner within each gas type in their area .”
On the 15th anniversary , Cooke says : “ The South African pressure equipment regulation was adopted from the European pressure equipment directive . A lot of work was done since 2005 , and by October 2009 that regulation was published and became part of the OSH Act . It required a body controlling these registered practitioners and that ' s where our mandate came from to start the SAQCC Gas and all four associations .”
One of the major challenges facing the HVAC & R industry , as with all associations in SAQCC Gas , is unregistered , unqualified practitioners .
Parry explains that one of SARACCA ’ s primary focus areas is trying to formalise the sector and educate the public on the use of best practice relating to pressure equipment regulations .
“ SARACCA has about 3 300 registered gas practitioners , while Australia with a smaller population than South Africa has something like 40 000 registered , which gives you an idea of how far we are behind . We should have about 20 000 . One reason for our education drive is that many in the informal side of the industry say they ’ ve never been asked for a registration card or to issue a CoC – so why go to all this effort of training ? Therefore , the consumer has to be educated to demand these items . Most don ’ t even know that a CoC is required on an A / C unit at their home – or in their car for that matter .
“ Not even consultants , property developers and estate agents – who are accustomed to requesting an electrical CoC - ask for it . This suggests the scale of the educational drive that our associations still have to go .
“ Anybody working with pressure should go on our courses to understand pressure problems or the dangers . Often a company will employ maybe twenty people to do an installation and only one person is registered . That one person can issue a CoC , yet the rest are all welding and carrying on with piping – so perhaps fifteen of that team for safety reason should be registered and have gone through the gas practitioner ’ s course ,” states Parry . RACA
RACA Journal is devastated to have learned of the sudden passing of John Parry , shortly after his accepting the role of executive director of SARACCA . The following obituary was written by Barney Richardson .
John was a well-known figure in the ventilation and air conditioning industry up until his untimely death in Durban . He will be deeply missed by all who knew and worked with him .
To his wife , Jane , and four daughters he was a devoted husband and father , always there to love and support . His memory is cherished by his family as a fun-loving person who lived life to the full and who charted his path through life each step of the way .
His business , 52 Engineering , was started by John in 1986 and
grew through the years with a good reputation for quality work . 52 Engineering joined SARACCA in 2009 , commencing a relationship that endured till his death .
John served SARACCA in various positions from chairman of the Gauteng branch through being elected vice president and moving up to president of SARACCA from 2018 to 2020 . In recent times when the director of SARACCA position became vacant , John accepted the new challenge with enthusiasm . He took up an interest in the development of members new to the association . In addition , he encouraged members to train and upskill their staff .
SARACCA nominated John to represent the association on the board of SAQCC Gas for the registration of authorised refrigeration practitioners . In this role he particularly promoted the online CoC system . John was serving as chairman of the board at the time of his passing . RACA
John Parry .
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I August 2023 13