www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 31
A peep inside the plant room .
Additionally , the installation of Belimo energy valves facilitated real-time monitoring of unit performance , crucial for assessing efficacy during varying weather conditions .
“ Looking ahead , I ’ m optimistic regarding the project ' s performance , particularly in winter conditions . We ’ re excited to document its success and exploring future endeavours once the efficacy of heat pumps in cold winter conditions is proven . ”
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The project involved the installation of twelve 45-kilowatt heat pumps , which supply heat to four 19 000l tanks . Each tank incorporates three internal heat exchange coils ( calorifiers ) and these coils are fed through a closed loop pumped water system from one CAHV 500 heat pump unit .
With the Zubadan Technology , the units have superior low ambient temperature performance so students will always enjoy hot water even during the extremely cold weather experienced during the Free State winter months .
Accurate control of the water temperature is achieved via the Mitsubishi TW-TH16 temperature sensor which is installed to measure the tank water temperature and run all three CAHV units in a master / slave method . Mitsubishi PAR-W21 MAA controllers are installed to provide accurate control of water temperature . An additional Belimo energy valve is installed in the closed loop piping to assist with water flow control and energy monitoring .
Their brief was quick temperature turnover , with a requirement for the system to heat the water to the desired
“ The team elevated the heat pump units off the ground to mitigate the impact of icy ground conditions .”
The heat pumps installed and commissioned .
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 31