4 - 6 JUNE 2025
www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 27
Personality Profile Sponsored by :
By Eamonn Ryan
Maninga Engineering CEO Sikhulile Nhassengo had initially pencilled in two university options – dentistry and engineering – when considering his field of study . However , at the first sight of gushing blood , his mind was made up .
The path to becoming an engineer isn ' t always a straightforward one , and neither was it for Nhassengo . From a young age , with a fascination for Formula One ( F1 ) motor racing , his interest was drawn to the world of engineering , and motor engines rather than HVAC . Growing up in a household where his father was working at the Durban University of Technology , he was exposed to conversations about higher education and career prospects from an early age . However , it wasn ' t until a chance encounter with a mechanical engineering student during a family gathering that the spark of interest in mechanical engineering was ignited .
Listening intently to the student ' s passionate description of mechanical engineering and its myriad of possibilities , Nhassengo found himself captivated by the prospect of pursuing a career in this field . What fuelled his choices at that time – and is still his greatest advice to those still at school – is to be curious and to ask questions . He embarked on his engineering journey with unwavering determination and an insatiable thirst for knowledge .
Consequently , he excelled academically , achieving a master ’ s degree in engineering . At one stage he even considered becoming a professor , through his love of research . In this instance , he delved into groundbreaking research on fatigue monitoring using cutting-edge technologies , earning accolades and recognition for his pioneering work – in the “ use of piezoelectric techniques to monitor continuum damage in structures ”.
Armed with a wealth of knowledge and a passion for innovation , Nhassengo transitioned into the commercial realm , where he honed his skills and expertise across diverse industries and projects ; from conducting research in collaboration with prestigious institutions like Rolls Royce to spearheading capital projects at Foskor Richards Bay ( chemical plant ), where he says he learned every aspect of the
business and earned widespread respect and admiration from colleagues and clients alike .
His career took him to a consulting engineering firm where he similarly thrived before one of those all-too-common occurrences of consulting in which he was retrenched , and faced the pivotal choice of doing it alone or seeking alternative employment . He opted for the former and established Maninga Engineering . This came not without its share of challenges .
This new promising beginning required more unwavering resolve , entrepreneurial
Maninga Engineering Director , Sikhulile Nhassengo .
spirit , perseverance and resilience than he could possibly have reimagined . As well as financial resources that he had not yet accumulated .
However , the contracts finally came as he and his team at Maninga Engineering weathered the storms of uncertainty , emerging stronger . There was some help from valued mentors whose invaluable guidance , advice and support shaped his decision-making . Then there was the Covid-19 pandemic – so disruptive in many other senses – which proved to be a boon , as locked down universities opted to proceed with much needed renovations during the time . Maninga Engineering was well established with WITS University , and two of their award-winning HVAC projects with WITS have recently been profiled in this magazine .
The fortuitous closure of universities during the pandemic provided Nhassengo and his team with a unique window of opportunity to focus on projects without the constraints of financial pressures .
His advice to aspiring engineers is that “ the essence of engineering lies not merely in the pursuit of monetary gains ”. RACA
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Showcasing the HERVAC industry ’ s crucial role in the rapid development of energy efficiency and sustainable technologies for the future through this year ’ s theme : natural refrigerants .
www . frigairexpo . co . za
4 - 6 JUNE 2025
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www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 27