RACA Journal April 2024 RACA_April_2024_digital | Page 27

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 25
Question : ‘ How do changes in F-Gas regulations affect the heat pump market ?’ Answer : The changes in F-Gas regulations , particularly the latest revision , will indeed have a significant impact on the heat pump market . Here ' s how :
• The revised regulations include a strong phasedown of fluorinated refrigerants , aiming to reduce their usage over time . This phasedown will directly impact the availability and usage of certain refrigerants commonly used in heat pumps .
• For the first time , specific bans on certain types of heat pumps are being introduced . These bans vary based on the type of heat pump , whether it ' s a monobloc or split system , and the nominal capacities . These bans are set to come into effect in the near future , with different timelines for implementation depending on the type and capacity of the heat pump .
• The regulations also set limits on the GWP of refrigerants that can be used in heat pumps . This means that heat pump manufacturers will need to ensure that the refrigerants they use meet these GWP limits , which may require transitioning to alternative refrigerants with lower GWPs .
• Some fluorinated gases will be completely banned under the revised regulations . This adds urgency for manufacturers to transition away from these banned refrigerants and adopt alternatives that comply with the new regulations .
• While these regulatory changes present challenges for the heat pump market , such as the need for redesigning systems and transitioning to new refrigerants , they also create opportunities for innovation and market growth . Manufacturers will need to adapt to these changes by developing more sustainable and environmentally friendly heat pump solutions .
There are benefits of using the electronic expansion valve . Firstly , it ensures precise and stable superheat control , with faster regulation and a wide working range , making it ideal for DC compressors . It allows for accurate charging of the refrigerant , eliminating the need for frequent recalibration required for thermostatic valves . Another advantage is the perfect closure of the orifice , minimising the risk of liquid entering the compressor . In case of unit shutdown , the valve blocks the refrigerant , ensuring proper compressor restart . Additionally , in case of malfunction , the system can send an alarm to the controller , alerting the customer .
Several studies , including ones conducted by laboratories , have demonstrated the benefits of electronic expansion valves over thermostatic valves . Laboratory tests have shown a 50 % reduction in power consumption during off cycles , attributed to faster attainment of setpoints and quicker valve closure . On-site testing revealed savings ranging from 15 %– 35 %, depending on operating conditions , with some studies reporting even higher benefits , up to 40 %. In summary , using electronic expansion valves guarantees better performance and energy efficiency .
Question : What sizing methodologies for heat pumps exist compared to boilers ? Answer : Heating systems must compensate for losses in building transmission and ventilation to ensure comfort throughout the year . However , the methodologies differ between boilers and heat pumps . Boilers typically handle instantaneous hot water production , requiring higher thermal power compared to heat pumps , which often utilise a domestic hot water tank . Sizing for heat pumps considers factors such as geographical location and internal distribution temperature to achieve the right balance between heating demand and capacity .
Overall , the revised F-Gas regulations signal a significant shift in the heat pump market towards greater sustainability and environmental responsibility . Manufacturers , policymakers and stakeholders will need to work together to navigate these changes and ensure a smooth transition to more eco-friendly heating and cooling solutions .
Question : Does using an electronic expansion valve instead of a thermostatic valve influence compressor consumption ? Answer : The main difference lies in the fact that the thermostatic valve is a mechanical device that operates using a bulb connected to the outlet to ensure correct function . On the other hand , a standard electronic expansion valve is controlled based on electrical signals from the controller , which then act on the stator . The stator , usually a stepper motor , changes the position of the internal device .
Question : What are the key market trends ? Answer : Detailed information can be found in CAREL ’ s white paper , but to summarise , digitalisation is a significant trend , with demand response strategies and optimisation of components playing crucial roles . Heat pumps are being researched for expanded temperature ranges , compatibility with alternative refrigerants , and integration into ventilation systems . Other trends include noise reduction , smaller sizes and recyclability in line with circular economy policies and green objectives . RACA
REFERENCES 1 . Danfoss 2 . CAREL 3 . BITZER 4 . ACRA

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 25