RACA Journal April 2024 RACA_April_2024_digital | Page 15

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 13
Business emissions , and aligning with global initiatives for net-zero emissions . 75 % of investors express a willingness to invest only in entities with robust sustainability strategies . This underscores the urgent need for data centre operators to articulate and implement comprehensive sustainability journeys to secure future investments .
There are two primary categories of emissions . Direct emissions – the first step in the hierarchy – include on-site generator emissions , cooling systems , replicating fire suppression and vehicular emissions related to corporate data centres . Indirect emissions encompass the purchase of electricity and water consumption . Additionally , it extends to the broader spectrum of upstream and downstream activities , such as capital goods , energy-related activities , transportation distributions , waste generation , business travels , deployed committees and assets leased to third parties .
The Total Building Outcome ( TBO ) concept , spanning the design , build , operate and maintain phases , is pivotal for a comprehensive sustainability strategy . By integrating sustainability at the design phase , organisations can shape the future trajectory of their data centres . This emphasis on environmental consciousness needs to permeate through the Request for Proposal ( RFP ) stage , pushing for detailed and environmentally conscious specifications rather than solely capacity metrics .
Recognising the rapid evolution of technology , it is important to not lock into designs that can ' t accommodate new advancements . The incorporation of digital twins , data integration at design and qualification levels , and embracing new technologies like liquid cooling exemplify Schneider Electric ' s commitment to staying ahead of the technological curve .
A standout feature of Schneider Electric ' s offerings is the Trade- Off Tool for Data Centre Lifecycle Carbon Assessment . This tool provides a clear visibility into the CO 2 emissions of data centres , facilitating informed decision-making based on actual data . The methodology aligns with the greenhouse gas protocol standard , ensuring a rigorous and widely accepted approach .
UNVEILING THE CHALLENGES RACA Journal caught up with Mourad following the conference , and the following is output from that interview :
Mourad underscored the escalating demand for electricity , predicting a doubling of consumption every decade . Between 2012 and 2020 , electricity consumption surged from 5 000 to 10 000 terawatt hours per year , with projections reaching 20 000 terawatt hours by 2030 .
He consequently urges the maximisation of renewable energy sources , carbon-neutral designs , and circular material considerations . “ Managing supply and demand , along with the efficient use of resources , is a crucial aspect of meeting business needs responsibly without compromising future generations .” Schneider Electric has a number of innovative solutions aimed at tackling these challenges head-on . Mourad stresses the importance of a dual approach : digital for enhanced efficiency and electrical for decarbonisation . This combination , labelled ‘ Digital Plus Electrification ’, was presented as the optimal equation for achieving sustainability .
Schneider Electric ’ s Digital Plus Electrification equals better sustainability management . Unpacking this equation , the emphasis on digitalisation is highlighted as a catalyst for efficiency , providing clarity in data management . Electrification brings forth considerations for source

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 13