RACA Journal April 2021 | Page 31

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I April 2021 29
The overall BMS graphics for the project that aids the monitoring of the data centre and alarm resolution . compressor saving additional electrical energy . All of these mentioned points makes it easier for a building to achieve a net zero energy use rating .
RESILIENCE TO THE ENVIRONMENT AND SYSTEM It is notable that the outdoor unit has a guaranteed ambient operating range of between -20 ° C and + 52 ° C to allow the system to function in harsh conditions . The system is also equipped with an electrical noise filter circuit protecting the electronic circuits in the system .
This means that no additional third-party protecting devices is required . The electrical noise filter circuit protects against over voltage and under voltage conditions and is equipped with an auto phase correction facility . The system is also programmed for a quick auto power recovery to ensure quick start-up operation after a power failure .
The heat exchanger of the outdoor unit is treated for corrosion protection as a standard feature to offer additional resilience .
PASSIVE DESIGN INCLUSION AND THE DESIGN IMPACT In the Orange Data centre project , various passive design options were investigated to ensure that there is no abnormal heat transfer and also provide reduction in the heat load required for cooling the data centre space .
The various strategies adopted to achieve the passive design are as follows :
• Cavity wall with insulation between the outside perimeter wall and internal wall
• The location and positioning of the data centre away from the perimeter wall that will allow less heat transmission and also for safety purposes
• The use of double glazing energy efficient glass around the perimeter wall
• The use of a Lossnay unit for pre-treating and cooling of the fresh air intake system prior to introducing into the space
• The insulation of the roof slab and in addition the use of light coloured paint over the roof slab for the reduction of the heat island effect
• The above measures added to the reduction of the heat load and also allowed for the energy efficient operations of the system .
The demarcation between the main data space and the ‘ meet me ’ room .
The finished Orange Box with the Orange logo displayed .

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I April 2021 29