RACA Journal April 2021 | Page 3

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I April 2021 1

Hot and chilled


To borrow a comment from my engagements over the past month , this was something that has stuck in my mind . We can have ingenuity in infinite volumes but without a desire to change , nothing will change . This statement rings true on so many levels .

This can be likened to the continual evidence presented by global warming and the endless talks on how and what steps need to be taken in management of this world-changing action , or closer to home in the regard of creating better or more efficient buildings and cooling solutions ( particularly in South Africa ).
Existing technology is continually being developed , and new technology and methods are being researched daily , however the wrong perceptions that are formed around change , hinders change . Something that is particularly troublesome for many businesses to deal with , is that any greening technology and quality are perceived as expensive .
It is a common mindset that you would have heard and most likely experienced in your own businesses too , where clients are more interested in capital cost savings than how adding a little extra to the capital costs can save tenfold over the lifespan of their building or facility , or , assist in the reduction of the carbon footprint . After all , these are 20 + year investments ! The same also applies to quality – many customers will opt for a cheaper solution or supplier ( outside of what would be considered market-related ) without the long term considerations being taken in even the smallest things . Why is it that we sit with all the technology to change the world in our hands , its overflowing in fact , but the process always seems so challenging ? The perception may be that “ it ’ s too much work ” or “ it ’ s too expensive ” and the human mind is quite something to work out , because we need to turn that mindset around , and for me anyway , if our perceptions of a particular topic are more positively reinforced , we will associate good emotions with it and not those negative sentiments that slow everything down to a grudge purchase .
Perhaps it starts with how we talk and interact in our own community and this in turn , over time , will result in people actually wanting to change and not be so sensitive on matters like costs . This comes back to the initial statement and creating the desire for better long term choices . Does everything that we should be doing anyway always have to come down to , or be linked to , some incentive ?
Our features are on common refrigeration technician tools and using these correctly , as well as ice storage that has the potential to assist in the long term energy generation debacle the world ( and South Africa specifically ) is grappling with while also saving clients significant amounts of money by reducing peak demand load and equipment needs .
Our project is the the data centre for Orange Botswana that received its Tier III certification in 2020 . If you would like to put forward your project to these awards under the new category initiated by ASHRAE South Africa Chapter , get in touch with CESA . Our profile is Gert van Rooyen – design engineer at HC Heat Exchangers who believes in teamwork creating success . If you too would like to participate in RACA Journal with your news , projects , features or technical articles , please get in touch – remember we have print , digital , online , newsletters and social media platforms that we cater to . We are the industry voice , so make use of us as yours .
This month ’ s quote is inspired by moving to the next level and a renewed thinking that is required in today ’ s world . There is so much around us , and even more , so many more ways to think , act and innovate . “ If you want something new , you have to stop doing something old .” – Peter F . Drucker

Ambient greetings , Ben RACA

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I April 2021 1