RACA Journal April 2021 | Page 29

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I April 2021 27
3 rooms , laboratories and any environment where strict control of humidity and temperature is a must , employ inverter driven compressors and not digital scroll compressors as per the norm . This enables this Mitsubishi system to actively control the refrigerant in such a way that the refrigerant evaporating temperature can be controlled around saturation to reduce the effects of dehumidification . This means that a minimal ( if any ) humidification is required which saves additional water and at the same time reduce the maintenance and associated costs to humidifier circuits .
ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND ADDRESSING NET ZERO The system uses high efficiency inverter compressors and DC fan motors . The power consumption is monitored internally with on-board electronics including current transformers ( CTs ) to ensure stable and efficient power consumption .
In addition to this , the system is equipped with a heat interchange circuit ( HIC ) which provides additional subcooling , improving the capacity of refrigerant delivered to the expansion device . The effect of this is witnessed in a reduction on refrigerant volume generated by the
1 . The VRF condensers during installation . 2 . The Orange box in the context of the landscaping and the entry point to the data centre . 3 . The air flow into the data hall is made possible via 600 x 600 mm floor grilles . 4 . Plantroom ‘ A ’ showing the generator and well-planned and aligned VRF condensers serving the datacentre .

www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I April 2021 27