By AOS Consuting Engineers
Orange Botswana appointed the professional team of AOS-GBK to build a new data centre and offices at the Innovation Hub Technology Park in Botswana .
The data centre will be used to host existing and future telecoms and IT equipment . The request for proposal ( RFP ) initially required an office space for 30 employees and a 600m ² white space with auxiliary service and functions .
Bidders were to provide two proposals :
• Single storey with provision for an additional floor in the future
• Double storey
Subsequent to submissions of the RFP , the proposal transformed into a single storey building with an office space for 25 employees and a 200m ² white space with auxiliary service and functions .
Initially , only 119.98m ² of the white space with a meet-me room of 42.14m ² would be fitted out with the following :
• Access flooring
• Suspended ceiling
• Mechanical and electrical services to ensure a functional data centre for the telecom and IT equipment . The site has to make provision for a 45m high four-legged lattice tower . The construction thereof did not form part of the scope of work
• A required area of 10m x 10m to be allowed for
CLIENT BRIEF The client brief was to design and document the facility with a specified office space and white space with auxiliary services and functions to ensure a functional operation .
The electrical engineering concept design provided an outline of the electrical and electronic service deliverables for the facility . The purpose of this outline was to identify all aspects of the electrical / electronic installation policy as it affects the equipment , organisation and operation of the data centre . The data centre would include white space for 90 racks , as well as a small office component , service and plant areas within the facility .
Various concepts for the provision of uninterruptible power supply , backup power generation were discussed , the merits of these options considered and a recommendation made . The final design options were based on the various design workshops and agreement with Orange .
The project definition , scope , concepts , design and deliverables for the mechanical engineering services and in particular , the HVAC services are as follows :
Project Drivers – Orange Botswana are market leaders in the provision of data and communication services and as such continually strive to improve their level of service delivery . The
www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I April 2021 25