By Benjamin Brits
Although by no means a new technology , ice thermal storage can play a significant role in managing the biggest utility costs in any building – energy consumption .
On a global scale , one of the most significant trials to navigate is the supply of energy . What form of energymix is then next on the agenda – with renewables a first choice of course , then followed by how much energy is going to be demanded in future . This significant factor in the forward planning of the world has most country ’ s leaders at a stretch , relying on amongst other methods , computer modelling for various predictions .
Some experts would also venture as far as speculating that in terms of energy supply solutions and options , there is not much more that science can provide currently on the scales needed . Naturally , there will always be research and development into new energy generation methods , but feasibility and sustainability are always key , as well as optimising utilisation of available resources .
In the case of South Africa , the latter has become a limiting factor in our economic expansion with our energy supply not keeping to par with demand , and although we too operate on the international principles of peak demand tariffs , we also have the ever-looming factor to consider called load shedding , or load rotation , as it is commonly referred to now . This is also usually implemented during peak demand and directly linked to our generation capacity shortfalls .
This particular outcome and the consequence that large infrastructure projects in the energy space continually face challenges , be they conventional fossil fuel operations or in ongoing movements into settling agreements in terms of renewable options , opens up a whole new world of engineering opportunities in this country – not to mention the fact that our existing energy infrastructure is ageing and is seen as another major risk to keep in mind .
Although an optimistic view is always held by the country ’ s leaders , energy experts and management from our own stateowned entity themselves have forewarned that energy supply will be under pressure for many years into the future .
Evapco Evapco
A large ice storage installation is typically installed below ground .
An example of an in-tank coil unit for ice storage – this being a large application .
South Africa ’ s challenges are not quite what the rest of the world experiences although the principles of energy supply sources , efficiency and global warming impacts are high on the agenda everywhere . Continual research is being conducted in how to manage thermal loads of buildings through alternative materials , building designs , techniques , and passive cooling methodology .
You may be wondering as you read this why I ’ m stressing the energy factor in an ice storage feature , and for this , the simple
www . hvacronline . co . za RACA Journal I April 2021 11