RAA PROYECTOS LIBRO RAA_SEP 2018_hojas_reducido 2 | Page 9

Description RUIZ ALBUSAC - ARQUITECTOS RAA is a renowned architectural firm with character international and headquarters in Madrid (Spain) that provides comprehensive and innovative solutions in building, construction, rehabilitation and urban devel- opment. With over 30 years of experience, it focuses on global development of architectural projects in order to meet the specific needs of each clienttrt. Leading engineering firms and professionals outside the company are among our regular collaborators. Therefore, we have a large team of professionals to successfully undertake large projects and develop dif- ferent disciplines in the field of architecture and construction. Our professional experience is wide and varied. We have undertaken a wide range of projects including both building and rehabilitation (civic, cultural, health, residential or office buildings) as well as the develop- ment of urban plans. RAA creates architecture that is committed to our time, with a deep sociological and cultural nature. It also has a clear focus on sustainability, an essential premise for understanding present-day construction, and puts real emphasis on industrialization and modulation, fundamental ideas for the development of architec- ture in the new century. RAA performs work both nationally and internationally. We currently develop our business in four conti- nents, with a greater presence in Africa where it carries out public and private projects in the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal. 7