R Magazine, Ex-TeenArt_Issue 1_Authenticity Mar. 2015 | Page 4

Team Besides her training in business management and business administration, Angelica also has an innate passion for fashion and design. As a little girl, she painted bird feathers to make pendants. Later, she began creating accessories with everything she could put her hands on (cloth, shells, beads ...). She also specializes in customized clothing and manufactures decorative objects. Creator of this magazine, Angelica, who is no longer a little girl but has not reached the thirties yet, has many strings to her bow: Editor for Volup°2, Management Consultant, Co-founder of A’s de la Perfection, Professor of Senegalese languages (Wolof and Serer) and French, Advisor in business Management, writer for le courrier des enfants (a Montreal organism), Intern for international solidarity in Nicaragua... Angélique Marguerite Berthe Diène aka BlàckyGyan, Canada Founder, Head editor, publishing and graphic design, first editor designer, talent scout ... Stefdekardà aka The Ace is a senegalese infografist who lives in Dakar. This young man is passionate about art, street art, music, tattoos and design. He specializes in fashion and beauty photography, and is the ‘ Africa Correspondent for Volup ° Up to 2 a bilingual French/English magazine created by Velvet d’Amour and also the Artistic Director of Xipil Xole Studio. Although he never worked in the fashion industry, he always liked fashion and design and this passion led to the creation of A’S de la Perfection. Stéphane André Pierre Diène aka Stefdekardà L’As, Senegal Graphic Designer, Photographer and Senegalese Correspondent Laura is from Montpellier in the south of France and lives in Montreal, Canada since 2013. Eager for travel, discovery and experience, she is driven by her dreams and her permanent challenges. After her studies in communication, she developed her personal art website in order to share her best picks in that area. Having developed a passion for writing for ten years, she naturally joined the magazine’s editorial team for the release of the second issue. Passionate by numerical and graphical communication, she participates in R Magazine’s web promotion by animating people on social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Having more than one string to her bow, she also participates in the layout of the magazine in collaboration with other graphic designers. Laura Bonnieu, Canada Graphic designer