QYR Market Research Global Autonomous Mobile Robots market research | Page 4

QYResearch • The demands placed on the functionality of autonomous robotic systems are significantly higher compared to conventional industrial robots. The aim is that mobile systems operate autonomously in unknown and dynamic environments to fulfill their assigned tasks. For this purpose, it is essential to explore and model the environment in a suitable way. The information gathered by sensors has to be combined to allow for an accurate positioning. In addition, the perceived surroundings have to be consolidated in an exact map representation. Having acquired this knowledge, the robot is able to plan an optimal collision-free path to a given goal and to perform complex handling tasks. PPT模板下载:www.1ppt.com/moban/ 节日PPT模板:www.1ppt.com/jieri/ PPT背景图片:www.1ppt.com/beijing/ 优秀PPT下载:www.1ppt.com/xiazai/ Word教程: www.1ppt.com/word/ 资料下载:www.1ppt.com/ziliao/ 范文下载:www.1ppt.com/fanwen/ 教案下载:www.1ppt.com/jiaoan/ 字体下载:www.1ppt.com/ziti/ 行业PPT模板:www.1ppt.com/hangye/ PPT素材下载:www.1ppt.com/sucai/ PPT图表下载:www.1ppt.com/tubiao/ PPT教程: www.1ppt.com/powerpoint/ Excel教程:www.1ppt.com/excel/ PPT课件下载:www.1ppt.com/kejian/ 试卷下载:www.1ppt.com/shiti/