Qutomo 2012 - 2013 1 | Page 19

Developing a culture and gender sensitive social support model

The Kultsi project began working in close cooperation with the Qutomo project in 2012. The aim of this cooperation is to bring the perspective of Kultsi's main target group into the development of a culture and gender sensitive integration path. Kultsi's target group consists of marginalized and less educated migrant women, many of whom are third-country nationals. For almost 3 years, the Kultsi project has provided support to these women in different ways, from helping them to understand the Finnish system to arranging Finnish language lessons in different ways, taking into account their diverse learning abilities and styles. Most of these women have not gone to school due to family and personal reasons, so learning in regular classroom settings has become challenging for them. The integration services for these women need to become more individualized, holistic and tailored to their own level.. Individuality is not taken into account in the current integration model, and the system for determining one's needs is lacking.

The Qutomo project has made it possible for the voices of these women to be heard. Through the open dialogue at the cooperation forums and hearing the voices of the participants we will continue to influence the development of integration services.

An integration path that pays attention to one's individuality and needs should be recognized as a new opportunity to develop or replace the current integration model.