Qutomo 2012 - 2013 1 | Page 15

The main approach in the Qutomo project is participatory action research. This approach makes it possible for different actors (third sector, public sector), teachers and students to participate in discussions as experts, data collectors and researchers. International students who have participated in the Qutomo forums have personal experiences about integration as well as from their work experience and interships from third and public sectors offering services for immigrants.

Students from the Bachelor of Social Services degree English program (DSS) at Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) have had internships in Vantaan Nicehearts ry already for several years. They have also had interships in the Qutomo project for the study module of diversity and project work. In addition, some of DSS students are conducting their thesis work in the Qutomo project. Also, other DSS students have been involved as active participants in the cooperation forums. This has been a good opportunity for international students (mostly third country nationals) to build networks and to learn about various work methods and models used with immigrant work in Finland. The emphasis in the DSS-program is on community development work, user/ citizen participation and participative research methods. This theory base helps students to understand the goals and contents of the Qutomo project.

Marianne Nylund, Lecturer

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences