STUDENT RIGHTS Jayden & Abi CAMPUS CULTURE Bianca & Eric Hey guys, it’s Bianca and Eric here, and we’re your campus culture execs for 2017. SPORT Our job is to bring the life, the fun, and the party to your studies and make uni the time of your life that it’s supposed to be. We’re passionate about clubs, friends, beer, and having a good time – and we hope you are too. There’s a lot of exciting things in store for 2017 so get ready for a fantastic year. See you at the bar (and the toga party early Semester One!). Hello! We are your student rights VPs for this year. Get keen for an EPIC year! In 2017 we’ll be working hard to make Uni a great experience for you! Puppies and Pancakes will be back again during exam time! And this time there’s a twist. We’re bringing along some kittens and cookies! Sounds like the purrfect way to de-stress to me! Don’t forget our support services with free legal aid and an academic advocate at your disposal should you get into strife. And if you’re in need of stocking your cupboards feel free to access our food bank at Kelvin grove campus! Finally, we’ll have your back throughout exam time with free stationery should you forget those exam essentials. Campbell & Jesse To all the new and returning QUT sports nuts, welcome to another EPIC year of social sport! As your new sports VPs, we look forward to increasing the accessibility of sports on campus for all students. Due to its great success, we will be running a number of one day competitions for a range of different sports. With an unprecedented 3,000 students participating in our social sport program in 2016, it is a great way to meet new people, stay fit and forget about uni for a while. We are also well underway on our promise to grow eSports on campus and are working closely with QUT, QUT Gaming clubs and interested third parties to provide the best experience. Inclusive competitions and events for all skill levels are also in the pipeline, so watch this space. GENDER + SEXUALITY Aenghas & Isobella With a large range of social sports on offer, two massive end of semester parties and over 3,000 of your closest friends, QUT Sport in 2017 is going to be bigger and better than ever. Hey QUTies, nice to meet you, we’re Isobella and Aenghas your Gender and Sexuality Vice Presidents for 2017. 2016 was a fantastic year for G&S, our G&S VP’s brought you International Women’s Day, our annual Charity Night, Safe Sex Day and more. We’re proud to say that in 2017 these will all be returning, starting with International Women’s Day on March 8th. In addition, we will be focusing on ensuring that QUT remains a safe campus for all QUT students. Get fit, stay healthy and join our team in one of Brisbane’s biggest social sport league. Happy start of semester and good luck with those exams! INTERNATIONAL Vanessa & Julia This year we are lucky enough to have two International Representatives in the Guild Exec from two very different cultural backgrounds –Julia from Sweden and Vanessa from Malaysia! Although we have our differences we have a common goal, and that is to make uni life at QUT as great as possible for international students! This means more fun and exciting activities, and support to the international clubs at QUT. Moreover, we are also here to assist with and guide all the other things international students are facing. We know what it is like to be international students and we are here for you. 7