-TOP cities in Europe LIFESTYLE (that i've travelled to so far) Let me preface this by saying I've only travelled to the following countries in Europe (below). Thus, I have not picked cities that I haven't travelled to. If you're favourite city isn't in my top 5 it might be because I am yet to see how amazing it is! Austria Lithuania Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro Bulgaria Netherlands Croatia Portugal Czech Republic Serbia France Slovakia Germany Slovenia Greece Spain Hungary Turkey Ireland United Kingdom Italy Vatican City 22 Prague By Ryan McKane Oh Prague, how I miss you. Possibly the rowdiest city in Europe, Prague is definitely not for the faint hearted. Offering some of the best nightlife Europe has to offer, Prague is a place where you won’t get much sleep in a hostel. Beer is literally cheaper than water here, and my oh my, does it taste like the sweet golden nectar it is. Nightlife here doesn’t kick off until about 2am so make sure to sleep during the day if you want to survive! However, if you’re feeling risky you can take a stroll during the day through the beautiful old city and climb all the way up to Prague Castle. If cardio isn’t your thing, think again before making the trek up the hill! Let’s just say it’s a tad hard on the knees. Prague’s old city is as picturesque as they come so I definitely recommend getting lost amongst the tiny, windy roads! Prague is an absolute must for all travellers looking to have a fun time and meet exciting people!