LIFESTYLE are YOU a fresher? Here’s what YOU need to know before coming to QUT! Most Lectures Aren’t Worth Going to Uni For Between the post-schoolies depression and QUT’s orientation week, you might be feeling slightly bored and (let’s be honest), kind of lost. I mean, it’s not unusual to feel stuck between the long three-month summer holiday and the start of your first ever year of university at QUT. But do not fret! The advice you’re about to receive will keep you as busy as a bee until the arrival of O-Week. Here are a few essential things every first year needs to know and do to prepare you for Uni! Join all the Clubs with under 18 events As you can imagine, university involves a lot of socialising and, yes you guessed it, drinking! Unfortunately, most first years are 17-years-old and cannot attend a lot of club parties and events. Even so, there are so many ways under 18’s can get involved with clubs. 20 Do Not Buy Brand New Textbooks! This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a first-year student. The average new textbook can cost you anywhere between $100-$300 (rip off!). Instead, you can go to the QUT Guild Secondhand Bookshop located in G Block at Gardens Point, which provides cheap books and the opportunity to check out the quality before you buy. Another option is to just rent textbooks out from the QUT Library during exam period for free. There’s no guarantee your textbook is available during this period so be warned! Do not worry if it’s a new edition textbook from 2016, that no students have; older editions usually have the exact same information with slight differences and are SO much cheaper. I personally consider new editions every year a money grab. Let me preface this by saying going to lectures is up to YOUR discretion. Do not take my ever so wise words as the gospel. What I must say though, is that going ALL the way to uni is definitely not worth your time, especially if your day is just full of lectures. It’s much more time efficient to not attend and listen to the lectures at home and it’ll save you heaps of money. If you go to uni, you’ll be tempted to buy lunch and a coffee which will put you back around $15. Save your money kids! Coffee is Your Ultimate Saviour! Don’t think of this sweet nectar as just a ‘drink’ you have when you’re tired. Even though it allows you to function when you’re completely dysfunctional, there are so many more uses for it. Coffee is THE #1 source for social interaction at Uni, especially if you’re under 18. Have some mates you want to catch up with? Do it over coffee. Want to work with your group on a project? Do it over coffee. See a cute girl/guy across the room? Ask them for COFFEE. Coffee will be your saviour throughout this coming year, so embrace it with open arms. Best of luck in the start of your next chapter of life. See you at O-Week!