G U I L D 101 PRESIDENT’S welcome Having come from Longreach, it is amazing to see how the university continues to build momentum in providing students with real world opportunities. Our job at the Guild is to make sure that your time at QUT is the best it can possibly be. The best advice I could give to any new student would be to remember that, although your studies are vital, it is equally important to take advantage of all that is on offer at university. You probably won’t remember every single detail from your first year classes, so be sure to make the effort to get involved in social sports, club events and those impromptu sessions at the bar – you’re guaranteed to make longer lasting memories. Welcome back to QUT for what will definitely be another EPIC year jam-packed with huge student parties, even more events and maybe even the potential for study. For all of you first years, welcome and congratulations. You have just signed up for the best real world experience, thanks to an EPIC Guild. 2 For those new to QUT here are a few things you can do in O-Week to ensure that your first year is the best year of your life. During my time at QUT I have been fortunate enough to see a Student Guild that genuinely has the interest of students at heart and continuously challenges the university to improve student life. To that I have a lot of my EPIC predecessors to thank for their contribution to making the campus life what it is today. 2017 will be no different except for my guarantee of more student advocacy, club support and definitely more EPIC parties. Coming up in week one is the Botanic Bar’s 4th Birthday, so be sure you are there to celebrate all that is cold and ever flowing in the bar. If drinking isn’t your game, then why not try social sport instead - or in the spirit of Old El Paso “why don’t we have both.” Nothing cures a Sunday session hangover like scoring at Monday night netball. The first step is to become accustomed with the number one university bar in Australia. The Botanic Bar will become your new local whether it be between class, after class or just getting lit on your Friday night. If you’re at Kelvin Grove, make sure you swing by The Grove bar for a sneaky bevvie or two. In the coming pages you will meet the Guild’s awesome executive that have been working tirelessly over summer to plan and kick start another EPIC year, so be sure that if you are having any university issues or just keen to knock the froth of a cold beer, make sure your EPIC executive are your first port of call. The next step is to realise that your QUT Guild is not the university. The Guild is a student run organisation that caters for students when the university fails to. We’re here to make your life on campus the best it can be. This means everything from providing independent advocacy and support through our 1800 WINGMAN service, to holding ‘The World’s Largest Toga Party” - a rite of passage for every university student to kick off an EPIC year. As a wise man once told me, university is far more than just lectures and tutorials. Head to the bar, have a drink, play a sport, join a club and maybe even make some mates along the way. Whatever you do, have fun and make sure you get the most out of your university experience. We will see you out and about in O-Week or maybe even enjoying a sneaky beverage! Charlie Harris