Quirister Leaflets A Unique Choral Tradition | Page 2

HISTORY H O WA R D I O N A S C U When William of Wykeham founded Winchester College in 1382 he made provision for 16 young boys under the age of 12 to sing in the Chapel. Mr Howard Ionascu is Director of Chapel Music at Winchester College, where he trains and conducts the Quiristers and Chapel Choir. The school has maintained this same choral foundation for more than 600 years and the Quiristers, or Qs as they are usually known, form a vital part of Winchester College’s Chapel Choir. The lower parts of the Chapel Choir are sung by senior boys from Winchester College, some of whom have themselves been Qs. Mr Ionascu began his musical career as a Vicar Choral at Wells Cathedral. He has since taught at Radley College, The Royal Grammar School, Guildford, and The King’s School, Canterbury, where he was Director of Music.  As a professional conductor, Mr Ionascu has worked with a number of distinguished UK choirs and orchestras, which have recently included the Laudate Choir, Exeter Philharmonic Choir, London Mozart Players, City of London Sinfonia and English Chamber Orchestra. OPPORTUNITIES A Quirister’s routine is more varied than that of most choristers. E D U C AT I O N Quiristers are weekly or full boarders at The Pilgrims’ School, a thriving boys-only prep school located next to Winchester College. They receive a scholarship worth 40 per cent of the school’s full boarding fee, with additional means-tested bursaries available, as well as free instrumental tuition and vocal training. Instrumental practice takes place in the College Music School and is closely supervised by the College music staff. Most Quiristers will achieve a senior school music award. In addition to first class academic and musical training at Pilgrims’, the Quiristers regularly play competitive sport and enjoy the wider co-curricular offering of the school. The pattern of worship in the Chapel involves regular choral services, in which the Choir performs a great range of church music; but because Choral Evensong is not sung every day, the Quiristers also find time to sing a wide secular repertoire. Quiristers are mostly required to sing during term-time only, which means they can spend Christmas and Easter with their families. Tours, which may take place in the holidays, are a highlight of the Quirister calendar and include free time for sightseeing and exploration. The Quiristers have a busy performing and recording schedule. This has previously included Britten’s ‘A Ceremony of Carols’ on BBC Radio 4, ‘Choral Evensong’ on BBC Radio 3 and Classic FM’s annual Christmas concert. The choir tours regularly and in recent years has visited Russia, Italy, Holland, France and the USA. Quiristers have won places in the final of the BBC Young Chorister of the Year competition and on three recent occasions have won that competition.