Quinceañera.com E-Magazine | Page 27


Sept 23 - Oct 22
Someone close to you is going through a tough time . Be there for them in their moment of need and offer a shoulder to cry on .


Oct 23 - Nov 21
Be careful what you wish for ! The universe is always listening and it also has a funny sense of humor .


Nov 22 - Dec 21
Make your mental health a priority ! You can do this by journaling , working out , or simply taking a break when you need it .


Dec 22 - January 19
The stars continue to sparkle in your favor this week , Capricorn ! Don ’ t let the world tear you down .


January 20 - Feb 18
You are one of a kind , Aquarius . The world will never see another you ! It ’ s time to realize your worth !


Feb 19 - March 20
It ’ s time to fall off the social media map for a while ! I promise that you won ’ t regret it !