Quinceañera.com E-Magazine | Page 28



March 21 - April 19
This is THE week to focus on yourself . Pamper yourself , learn something new , and prioritize your needs .


April 20 - May 20
Don ’ t let your emotions take the best of you . Before acting on impulse , take some time to think things through .


May 21 - June 20
Rekindle any lost connections with your friends . Now more than ever , bond-building Venus is on your side , remember to think positive .


June 21 - July 22
Make this week a productive one . This is the perfect time to make your visions a reality . Accomplish that goal you ’ ve longed for .


July 23 - August 22
Do not be afraid of change . Remember that change means growth , do not let anything stop you from being the best version of yourself .


August 23 - Sept 22
It is not always good to bottle up what you feel . Be pure and intentional this week , honesty will let you sleep better at night .