Quinceañera.com E-Magazine | Page 37


Sept 23 - Oct 22
Set boundaries for yourself this week . Peer pressure is the worst ! Especially , when it ’ s coming from close friends .


Oct 23 - Nov 21
Make a list of what you want to accomplish this week and do it . Stop putting things off for tomorrow !


Nov 22 - Dec 21
You might start to see someone you thought of as a close friend in a new light . Don ’ t push these feelings away , explore them !


Dec 22 - January 19 It can be hard to admit when we ’ re wrong . Make the first move and apologize to a friend whose feelings you ’ ve hurt .


January 20 - Feb 18
It ’ s time to reach out and reconnect with old friends , Aquarius .


Feb 19 - March 20
Pisces , you have been on an incredible self-care journey this month ! Keep it up this week .
Credit : Courtesy of horoscope . com