Quinceañera.com E-Magazine NOV 12 | Page 29


Sept 23 - Oct 22
The stars are going to throw you into a loop this week . Keep your head on straight and CHARGE forward ! You got this .


Oct 23 - Nov 21
Take time to figure out what is it that you truly want out of life . Then make a plan and put it into action .


Nov 22 - Dec 21
Communication is key ! Don ’ t allow miscommunication or misunderstanding to ruin your friendships . It ’ s important to talk it out !


Dec 22 - January 19
Capricorn , you are a creative genius ! Find your creative outlet and go wild !


January 20 - Feb 18
You are on top of the world ! Don ’ t let this newly found confidence go to waste . You must use all of this new energy wisely .


Feb 19 - March 20
Take charge of your life ! We all need a little push sometimes and here is your reminder to go for it !