Quinceañera.com E-Magazine 9-3-21 | Page 29


Sept 23 - Oct 22
Let yourself seek out your friends today , Libra . You thrive on having a sense of community .


Oct 23 - Nov 21
You ’ ve been pushing hard towards making your dreams come true , Scorpio .


Nov 22 - Dec 21
A fresh change of scenery may be just what you need to figure out the next step .


Dec 22 - January 19
The universe has been pushing you to shore up old wounds around your self-confidence , Capricorn . You need only grant yourself access to exploring new terrains .


January 20 - Feb 18
You ’ re here to seek new solutions to outgrown problems . Remember to let yourself keep a finger on the pulse of that drive rather than plow ahead without a second thought .


Feb 19 - March 20
Let yourself get down to business today , Pisces . You ’ ll feel your best if you manage to cross multiple things off your to-do list and still leave time for exercise and proper meals .