Quinceanera.com E-Magazine XV MAGAZINE SEPT 1 | Page 41



March 21 - April 19
The beginning of the week is a time to get organized . It might not be the most exciting thing to do , but you ’ ll feel better once the clutter is gone .


April 20 - May 20
You may have an audience . Stick to your original plan , this isn ’ t a good time to wing it .


May 21- June 20
If you aren ’ t sure of something , don ’ t get involved . Things come more into focus , so it will be OK to make major decisions as long as you get someone else ’ s opinion .


June 21 - July 22
Something or someone is making you feel kind of uncomfortable as the week begins . Lay low until you can get your bearings a little better .


July 23 - August 22
Just because you want something doesn ’ t mean it ’ s yours . You ’ re feeling pretty possessive , and the people in your life might not appreciate it .


August 23 - Sept 22
If you can think it , you can achieve it . You have great willpower .