QUILTsocial Winter 2015-15 Issue | Page 54

Q A Quilted Snowflake uilted S nowflake Kathy K. Wylie We’ve been exploring a variety of machine cutwork techniques while making the lacy snowflake, snowflake quilt block, and stained glass snowflake. Each technique involved tracing a snowflake design onto water-soluble stabilizer, stitching it to fabric, cutting out the design, and satin-stitching over the cut-out edges. In a fraction of the time, we were able to create the look of heirloom embroidery. We’re going to take a slightly different approach and make a quilted snowflake with cut-away trapunto. Trapunto adds marvelous dimension to quilts. It’s defined as “quilting that has an embossed design produced by outlining the pattern with single stitches and then padding it with yarn or cotton”. Originally, trapunto was done by slitting the backing fabric in order to stuff the design with batting. The slit was then slip-stitched closed or covered with a second backing fabric. With “cut-away trapunto”, the extra stuffing is added before the quilt is layered and quilted. It occurred to me the same Sulky Ultra Solvy that we’ve been using for our cutwork snowflakes could be used as a quilting template. We can trace the snowflake onto the Solvy, pin it on the quilt, stitch, then soak the quilt to dissolve the Solvy. While I still consider this an excellent idea, I discovered that Ultra Solvy is not the only wash-away stabilizer available from Sulky. I decided to try a new one (to me): Sticky Fabri-Solvy. This stabilizer is brilliant! It comes on a roll or in a 1-yard package or in 8-1⁄2" x 11" sheets that run through your printer. As the name would suggest, it looks like white fabric (not clear, like Ultra Solvy) and the back is sticky. How wonderful for positioning it onto the quilt layers! And it dissolves in water. Fantastic! Sticky Fabri-Solvy 54 QUILTsocial .com ● winter 2014/2015