Cutwork is a needlework technique where
portions of fabric are cut out and the resulting
holes are reinforced with embroidery. We
learned how to create this heirloom needlework
in a fraction of the time making lacy snowflakes,
glittery snowflakes, and snowflake quilt blocks.
So what would happen if we placed different
colored fabrics in the snowflake cutouts? A
stained glass snowflake, perhaps?
Here’s what you’ll need to get started:
•• clear heavy-weight water-soluble stabilizer
such as Sulky Ultra Solvy
•• washable marker
•• fabric of choice for the snowflake
•• assorted fabrics for the cutouts
•• fabric for the background
•• small short-bladed scissors with sharp-pointed tips
•• embroidery thread
Fabric and Solvy
Trace your snowflake onto clear heavy-weight
water-soluble stabilizer using a washable marker.
TIP I find fabric markers don’t show up well on
the Solvy; I have better success with the kids’
Crayola markers!
Pin the Solvy onto the right side of the snowflake fabric, making sure that the marker color
shows up against your fabric.
Sew through the two layers with a straight stitch
on the marked lines. Then, cut out the fabric
close to the stitching but leave the Solvy uncut.
Choose a stained-glass fabric for the first set of
cutouts and position it under the snowflake,
right side up.Pin in place.
Set your sewing machine to a satin stitch wide
enough to cover the cut-out edges and the
straight stitches. You may want to test the stitch
on scrap fabric to find the best settings. Satin
stitch around the first set of cut-out edges.
First fabric for stained glass snowflake
From the back, trim the stained-glass fabric
close to the stitching. For fun, I top-stitched
around the satin-stitching with embroidery
thread that matches the stained-glass fabric.
Here’s how it looks from the back and the front.
Photos by Kathy K. Wylie.
First fabric: back and front
winter 2014/2015