We’ve been having a “hole” lot of fun learning
how to make cutwork snowflakes by machine.
They may look like heirloom needlework, but
they didn’t take nearly the time. Nevertheless,
this is QUILTsocial and you may be wondering
how to turn your design into a snowflake quilt
block. Let’s find out how we can use this same
cutwork technique for applique.
Here’s what you’ll need to get started:
•• clear heavy-weight water-soluble
stabilizer such as Sulky Ultra Solvy
•• washable marker
•• fabric for the snowflake
•• fabric for the background
•• small short-bladed scissors with sharppointed tips
•• embroidery thread
Trace your snowflake onto clear heavyweight water-soluble stabilizer using a
washable marker. I find fabric markers don’t
show up well on the Solvy. I have better
success with the kids’ Crayola markers!
Make sure the marker color shows up
against your fabric.
Trace snowflake onto Solvy
Fabric and Solvy
Applique snowflake cut out
Layer applique snowflake on background
Satin stitch applique snowflake
Dissolve Solvy in water
Pin the Solvy onto the right side of the
snowflake fabric.
Sew through the two layers with a straight
stitch on the marked lines. Then, cut out
the fabric close to the stitching leaving the
Solvy uncut.
Layer the cut-out fabric snowflake onto the
background fabric, matching ce