QUILTsocial Winter 2015-15 Issue | Page 47

Machine Cutwork •• Here’s what you’ll need to get started: •• clear heavy-weight water-soluble stabilizer such as Sulky Ultra Solvy •• washable marker •• two layers of fabric slightly larger than your snowflake design •• small short-bladed scissors with sharp-pointed tips •• embroidery thread You’ll also need a snowflake design and they’re really easy to make. I even wrote a book about it! Remember making paper snowflakes when you were a kid? You take a square piece of paper, fold it in half diagonally, in half diagonally again, then in thirds. Trace snowflake onto Solvy Two layers of fabric and Solvy Straight stitch on marked lines Cutting fabric snowflake Lacy snowflake cut out Satin stitch lacy snowflake You can draw your design on the folded paper first or just start cutting. Then, unfold the paper to reveal your masterpiece! You might also enjoy creating your design digitally on one of the many snowflake-designing websites. Trace your snowflake onto clear heavy-weight watersoluble stabilizer using a washable marker. I find that fabric markers don’t show up well on the Solvy. I have better success with the kids’ Crayola markers. Make sure the marker color shows up against your fabric. For a lacy cutwork snowflake, layer two pieces of fabric wrong sides together. Pin the marked Solvy on top. Sew through all three layers with a straight stitch on the marked lines. Cut out the fabric close to the stitching but leave the Solvy uncut. The Ultra Solvy will stabilize your fabric and hold your snowflake together. Set your sewing machine to a satin stitch wide enough to cover the cut-out edges and the straight stitches. You may want to test the stitch on scrap fabric to find the best settings. Satin stitch around the cut-out edges. Once the stitching is complete, soak the fabric snowflake in water to dissolve the Solvy. T he result is a lovely cutwork lacy snowflake that you can hang in your window or display as a centerpiece. It looks like heirloom needlework, but it took a fraction of the time! Cutwork can also be filled with embroidery. z Dissolve Solvy in water Photos by Kathy K. Wylie. QUILTsocial .com ● winter 2014/2015 47