QUILTsocial Winter 2015-15 Issue | Page 43

Make a copy of the templates. They are actual size. Trace each one 12 times and glue onto the poster board. Cut out each template carefully. With wrong sides together, trim the fabric to the templates, ensuring there is a 1⁄4" seam allowance around the cardboard. Fold each side of the fabric tightly against the cardboard, and baste at each corner. Do this around all the templates. When they are basted, use a blind slip stitch to join the pentagons together in a flower arrangement. In other words, a pentagon in the middle with a pentagon attached to each edge. The cardboard stays in the fabric. Go slowly, there should be no large gaps in these seams. Join the sides of the first group of six, and then the second group of six. You’ll now have two small cups. The pentagon templates. Right sides together, join both cups together, using a very small blind slip stitch. Leave a 11⁄2 inch space to turn the ball. Clip the basting stitches, and remove the paper templates. Turn right side out, and stuff the ball very firmly. Blind slip stitch the ball closed. Repeat for all sizes. Paper Piecing Percy the Snowman When the small, medium, and large balls are together, thread the mattress needle with heavy duty thread. Thread balls large, medium and small (as much in the center as possible) onto the needle. Pull the thread somewhat tightly to bring the balls together. At this point, the snow person will be kind of floppy. Use the glue gun to secure each section of the snow person together. It helps to press down on the top of the snow person until the glue has set. Set aside. Use contrasting thread to baste the fabric tightly to the card stock templates. When it’s dried, glue the snow person to the plaque. Paint the skewer orange. Allow to dry. Cut 20 inches of wire. Cut this in half. Now, you have two 10-inch pieces. Fold each piece in half, twist halves together, leaving a small loop in the center, to suggest hands. Wrap wire tightly in floral tape. Use a seam ripper to poke holes for the arms in the space between the small and medium pentagon balls. Put a dab of hot glue on the end of the arm and push into the holes. Allow the glue to set. Sew the balls pieces together, remove the card templates and turn right side out through the opening. Stuff these snow man parts very firmly. Large Cut 12 Photos by Nancy Devine Medium Cut 12 Small Cut 12 QUILTsocial .com ● winter 2014/2015 43