decorative techniques
1. Set up the sewing machine for decorative
stitching. In this case a built-in Omni-motion
stitch was chosen, which is actually a wonderful stitch for quilting as well.
Note: It’s very important to have your sewing
advisor set for heavy weight fabric so all of the
settings will automatically be set for you for this
beautiful stitch.
2. Pin the batting on the wrong side of the
cape. Use the cape for dimensions.
3. Right side facing, use a marking tool to create
a curved or straight line across the shoulder
height of the cape. This line is a guide while
sewing the decorative stitch. You can make
this line as desired and where desired on the
cape. A decorative stitching foot called the S
foot was used in the sample.
Cape Illustrations
Front Edge
Cut 1 Left Front
Cut 1 Right Front
Note: Many times quilting and omni-motion stitches are used on garments, home decorating projects
and quilting. Always remember that when you look
at a stitch category and name, that is only a recommendation. You may use the stitch on anything you
choose. Adjustments may be necessary for stitch
length or width or even density depending on the
stitch selection you made.
Cut 5 Panels
1. When the outer cape is complete and laying
out on a flat surface, use it as your pattern for
the lining. In this case, minky fabric, which
is very soft, was used. You may choose to
use any type of fabric that is soft and warm.
Remember that the outer cape is already
medium weight to heavy, so select the lining
2. Cut the lining piece for half of the cape and
add a seam allowance for the cape center
back. Then cut the second half of the cape.
3. Stitch this seam with right sides together, this
makes a full lining for the cape. You may wish
to leave an 8" [20cm] opening either in the
lining back seam or neckline.
4. Place the cape and lining right sides together, pin around outside edges and stitch all
around outer edges.
5. Turn right side out through the opening.
Stitch the opening closed. If you would like to
press this cape at all, it’s very important to use
a pressing cloth. Test a sample. And no steam.
Add a knit cowl for a quick neckline finish. Embellish with your favourite pin.
Batting Piece - Cut 1 or layer 2 pieces (this is just a guide piece and
can be adjusted to size and area of cape to be quilted with decorative
stitches). Note: The e ntire upper edge was not done on sample. A smaller
area was quilted.
Shape the neckline as desired when all of the panel pieces are connected.
winter 2014/2015